This forum provides solutions for aws developers for their issues.It provides solutions for aws elastic ip, ec2 instance, public ip,route53 pricing, load balancers in aws,Orchestration, ebs,, lambda, installing mongodb on ubuntu etc.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Amazon Virtual Private Network (VPC) in short

Amazon Virtual Network Cloud (VPC) enables enables you to build a secure virtual network in the amazon cloud.

For creating VPC, no hardware or physical data centres required. You can define your own network space and control how your network and EC2 resources inside your network are exposed to the internet.

What sort of security options do i have over my virtual private network ?

You can leverage the security options in AWS VPC to provide more granular access both to and from the EC2 instances in your virtual network.

You can create a public facing subnet for your web servers that have access to internet , private facing subnet with no internet access for backend systems such as databases, app servers  etc.

What if i don’t want to connect my secure network to the public facing internet to restrict within corporate network ?

You can create a hardware virtual private network connection between your corporate data centre and  your Amazon VPC.
It can be used to enable the inbound and outbound filtering at the instance level and subnet level.

For storing  data , you can use S3 and restrict access ,so that it is only accessible from instances in your VPC.

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Error executing 'up': Cloudformation failure waiting for 'CREATE_COMPLETE'. State is 'ROLLBACK_COMPLETE'

ecs-cli up --keypair mycredentials --capability-iam --size 5 --azs us-east-1a,us-east-1b --instance-type m4.large

got this issue.

Failure event  reason="Parameter validation failed: parameter value mycredentials for parameter name KeyName does not exist. Rollback requested by user." resourceType="AWS::CloudFormation::Stack"

ERRO[0045] Error executing 'up': Cloudformation failure waiting for 'CREATE_COMPLETE'. State is 'ROLLBACK_COMPLETE' 

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

S3 bucket - repository/tag: invalid reference format.

I am unable to backup docker volume to S3. Trying to run the docker command.

 docker run -d --name 945e1345eed616bbd2a5dd920df2d -e BACKUP_INTERVAL=1m \ S3_BUCKET=33222a9e09 -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=DFHFHGJHS2KIADCGGD7IBVZQ -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=mbfdbd6kvUgpPlH/7H5/jfJRJnaX1RTJBDF

docker: Error parsing reference: " S3_BUCKET=33222a9e09" is not a valid repository/tag: invalid reference format.

docker: Error parsing reference: "S3_BUCKET=hfghdgfhjdf" is not a valid repository/tag: invalid reference format.

How to configure s3 bucket to the docker  volume backup

Monday, 21 August 2017

Cloud Watch Alarms- policy issue

Your Auto Scaling policy ScaleOutPolicy could not be found at this time. Please try reselecting this alarm. If the policy does not exist you may modify this alarm to set up a valid action.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

AWS S3 Tutorial

Amazon Simple Storage Service is also known as Amazon S3. It is highly scalable object storage in the cloud securely.
It is used to store any amount of data.
MultiPart form uploading to AWS

S3 is Object Storage with a simple web service interface to store and retrive any amount of data from anywhere on the web.

What is multi part upload ?
1. Initiate the Multi part Upload
2. Seperate the object into multiple parts.
3. Upload the parts in any order, one at a time or in the parallel.

Date transmission - Browser going to App server and going to S3.

Nodejs code :
Install the dependencies.
npm install s3-stream-upload

var UploadStream = require("s3-stream-upload");
var S3 = require("aws-sdk").S3;

var key = "file.mp3";
var s3 = new S3();

fs.readFileStream(__dirname + "/file.mp3")
  .pipe(UploadStream(s3, { Bucket: "my-S3-bucket", Key: key }))
  .on("error", function (err) {
  .on("finish", function () {
    console.log("File uploaded!");

my sample s3 url - '';

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Aws Security Groups

The very first thing to ensure that the unwanted or unauthorized traffic doesn't get in into the instances using Security Group.

What is a Security Group?
It is a AWS firewall solution which filters the incoming and outgoing traffic from an instance.
Filtering is done based upon the ip protocols,ports and source/destination ip addresses.

At the backend requires X.509 certificate and key to authorise changes.

How to configure security groups while creating instance.
You can configure security groups while creating instance or anytime after creating instance.

Figure 1.0

Figure 1.1

Here you can configure security group.

Start configure security rules. Security rules for set of firewall rules that control the traffic. what kind of traffic can reach the instance.
The rules we are going to configure are Inbound rules.

If we use linux based machine, configure SSH. SSH stands for secure shell. Secure access to the remote machine.It always communicates over port 22.It is static and you cannot change the port.
If it is Windows based machine, configure RDP. By default it will give root access to the machine.
If we select source anywhere, across internet can access the machine via SSH. This is quite dangerous. 

You can choose custom ip for security purpose. 

Web Traffic:
Web traffic can come from any source.     -> allows all the traffic.which is not secure.

HTTP communicates over port 80.
HTTPS always communicates over port 443. 
Depends on what traffic you want to allow in, you can add rule here.

Figure 1.2

Figure 1.3

Thursday, 17 August 2017

aws instance types

General Purpose (T2, M3, M4 class):

These provides overall balance of Ram, CPU and provide burstable performance.
IOP starts from 100 and upto 3000.

Compute Optimized (C3 and C4 class):

It is meant for hude traffic.

Storage Optimized(I3  and D2 class):

It is for large datawarehouse.

Memory Optimized(X1, R3 and R4 class):

It is for Memcached and enterprise apps.

Accelerated Computing(P2, G3 and F1 class):

It is for general-purpose GPU compute applications,graphics-intensive applications and FPGAs.


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